Tuesday 5 May 2015

How to Dress I Appropriate On A Tight Budget

What do you think of when you think of interviewing? I think of answering a lot of tough questions and wanting to make a good first impression. The best way to make a good first impression is to dress appropriately for the company setting.
For a lot of women, this can be a daunting task because they simply don’t have the means to get a business appropriate outfit.

About the time of Thanksgiving last year, I started looking into local ways to give back to my community. It was through this search that I came across an organization called Dress for Success. Dress for Success Worldwide is an international non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of women. They have chapters in 110 cities worldwide, and each chapter is run by volunteers. Each chapter works with local disadvantaged women to help them dress for interviews. Through clothing donations from the community, the women are able to get a business appropriate wardrobe or outfit.  

Along with clothing donations, Dress for Success also runs workshops to help clients gain career skills and build confidence in the workplace. This workshop setting reinforces valuable job search,resume and interview skills

A Professional Women’s Group is also part of the program. This group addresses topics that the women will encounter as they enter the workplace. Some of these topics are work/life balance, written rules of the workplace, and unwritten rules of the workplace. 

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