Saturday, 11 April 2015

6 Easy Ways to Win the War Over Split Ends

Can I be frank for a minute? My hair is an absolute disaster. Well, the ends of my hair, that is — and boy, are there lots of 'em.
In trying to accept my natural color for what it is (and, TBH, save some ca$h), it seems I've stayed away from the salon for a few months too long — and my split ends have been having nothing short of a field day.
I can't glance at my strands without spying at least a few and crying a small tear for each of them. We're talking three, even four, splits per hair. I'm contemplating Bic-ing it.
Make that was contemplating, because I just found this really cute tutorial video by YouTuber Rose Russo, which demonstrates six super simple techniques for banishing split ends without paying the price of a professional trim. Her descriptions are really easy to grasp, and it doesn't hurt that the guys helping her out are pretty cute, too. Not watching it would just be silly, really.
Also, WHO KNEW that there's an actual hair tool specifically designed for getting rid of split ends at home?! Not I... but I should probably invest in one.

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