Tuesday, 24 February 2015

How to Get Cara Delevingne Eyebrows in 3 Easy Steps

If there is one eyebrow look everyone is talking about this year, it's the Cara Delevingne eyebrows. Filled in, full and fluffy, create these strong brows.

“They don’t need to be twins, but they should be sisters.”
These are the words of wisdom I hear from Beauty Master Mariana Georghiou, as she starts the transformation of my brows. I’m sitting in the hot seat at Murale, a bright and modern beauty boutique in Toronto’s east end, and Mariana’s words resonate.
Despite being a total amateur when it comes to makeup, I have become a bit of a stickler for corralling my brows into some semblance of symmetry—especially the right one, that misbehaving little imp.
A quick search on Instagram for the hashtag #eyebrows reveals over a million hits. On Pinterest, the same search brings up images of Camilla Belle, Lily Collins, and Cara Delevingne, along with their awesome arches. But can anyone pull off a strong brow look? I’m about to find out.

According to Mariana, there are three steps to achieving great brows: pencil, powder and gel. But before the artistry begins, we need to address shape.
Daniella Andrews get her ideal eyebrow shape analyized by Murale brow expert Mariana Georghiou.
We’re aiming for symmetry and flattering angles, not necessarily an exact match (thank goodness, since my right brow seems intent on forging its own unique path). To determine where the inner edge of your brow should begin, line up your pencil vertically with the edge of your nose. To see where it should end, tilt the pencil so that the bottom end remains at your nose, but the top end angles out to meet the outside corner of your eye. Now, it’s time to get hands on.
Grab an eyebrow pencil and start to fill in any sparse areas. “Use short light strokes in the direction the hair grows,” says Mariana. This means upward near the inner corner of the brows, then across and down as you move toward the tip. When you’re finished, use the brush end of the pencil to lightly sweep through hairs and soften any hard lines.

Next, take an angled brush and an eyebrow powder palette and apply powder in light strokes on top of the pencil. This will help set the look, so it lasts all day. A multi-shade palette (like Perfect Brows from Chanel) is a good choice not only because you can customize and combine for the perfect look, but also because (as I soon learn from the Beauty Master), the trick to the perfect brow is to use a lighter shade on the inner section, and a darker shade for the arch and tip.
3. GEL
Finish up with a brow gel, once again applied in the direction of natural hair growth. The newest formulations contain mini fibres (similar to the technology in mascara) that stick to your own hairs, helping to create the appearance of thick, lush arches. Last, but not least, Mariana recommends a hint of lip colour to balance out the overall look.

When I’m done, I look at my reflection in the mirror and feel like it’s my face, only stronger, more defined. Later that day when I meet up with friends they notice something is different, but they can’t quite put their finger on what. That is until one friend nails it. “Your brows are looking great today,” she said. “Especially the right one.”

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