Thursday 4 April 2024

The Essence Of Being A Full Time Influencer

Would I Be A Full-Time Influencer?

Collaborations Would Be Easier

Do you know how defeating it is when I was invited to a breakfast or lunch meeting/event and couldn’t attend because of my 9-to-5? I’m lucky enough to work with brands who understand my schedule, but sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have the time to create and foster these relationships with brands by attending more events with them, especially in a post-COVID world.

I’d also be able to have more time to dedicate to content. Although I think I’m doing a decent job with my content, I feel like I could be more thoughtful with it. Before COVID, I think there was A LOT more pressure to come up with pretty content. Of course, that’s still a big part of it, but now it’s kind of a mix between the “content” and pretty much just sharing my every day. In 2019, I would shoot every few weeks to make sure I had content ready to go. Now? I could snap a pic of my outfit in the mirror and that would get the same kind of engagement.

Travel Would Be Easier

This is another thing I think about. A lot of the time, I can’t go on trips because I have a set number of vacation and personal days. I have to be very strategic with how I plan my PTO days. And on the weeks I’m asserting? Can’t even think about travel.

Again, I think post-COVID it’s definitely easier. I can work from home and if I happen to be in another state for a day or two – that’s cool. I can still do my job. But again, at the end of the day, I always put my 9-to-5 first because it definitely pays my bills (on top of LOVING what I do).

…but it’s still not that easy

I’ve been seeing a lot of, “Influencing isn’t hard.” And then the whole “it’s not rocket science or you’re not saving a life” debate comes into play. And then it blows up. I get really sick of that argument because you can make these arguments about any traditional 9-to-5. Like hi. I work in the fashion industry. I assort product and help with inventory opportunities to help grow a business. Am I saving lives? Absolutely not. Is my job hard? Yeah, it can be tough when you have a lot of expectations to meet. But is it HARD? No, of course not.

My point is, it’s not easy to be an influencer and be successful enough to make it your full-time income. Trust me, I’ve tried it. A lot of people have really weird misconceptions about those who

make a full-time income from their Instagram and websites. The Internet makes it very easy to assume that everyone’s lives are perfect, or that they’re allowed to criticize EVERY. LITTLE. THING someone does because they are more open to putting their lives on the Internet. It’s a highlight reel. Nothing more and nothing less. Sure, there could be vulnerable moments, but for the most part, it’s only the good things.

While we show what goes on “behind the scenes”…it’s still a lot of highlights. We loooooove the idea of hustling. We looooove showing that side of our lives online.

But what about real-life things??? Like health insurance. When I started a new job after trying to be a full-time influencer for a bit, my insurance didn’t kick in for 60 days. I had to pay $900 for shitty health insurance (that didn’t include dental…and I need a lot of dental work at the time. If I truly were a full-time influencer, there’s no way I could afford $450 a month without sacrificing something else in my life. It’s just not something I want to do ever.

I guess that’s my main point. Since I’ve struck the perfect balance between the two, why would I stop? Right now, my 9-to-5 and my own business allow me to live the lifestyle I want. I really don’t have to sacrifice much. Not only do I absolutely LOVE what I do at my LITERAL dream job, but I also get to run my own business. The dual income, the security of steady biweekly paychecks, the benefits, working in the fashion industry, AND working with brands on my own…it’s all kind of worth it to me. It works for me. It’s not easy by any means. But it works.

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