Monday 5 January 2015

Beauty 7 Reasons Winter Beauty Is Infinitely Better Than Summer

Photo: Ashley Jahncke

It's sometimes hard to get past all the negatives that seem to plague wintertime. The days are weirdly short, the temperature is freezing, the sidewalks are slippery, and ice skating is really hard and scary and I hate it. 
But when you actually back up for a second and think about it, there are some pretty cool things that go along with the snowy season — and I'm not just talking about presents, polar bears and spiked apple cider. (Though those are nice, too.)

Because, when it comes to beauty, winter is basically da bomb. Below are seven reasons why your beauty routine can benefit from a little cold weather and positive thinking — as illustrated by GIFs, for good measure. 
Sorry, summer! Better luck this year.

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