High heels really are a girl’s best
friend. They make you stand taller, look slimmer, and give you that
extra boost of confidence that can only come from wearing a killer pair
of heels.
And as a
model , being able to walk gracefully in heels of all heights is something you absolutely must know how to do. Whether you’re
working the runway or not, it’s a skill that’ll keep you at the top of your game. After all, versatility is key!
Learning how to walk in high heels can be a little tricky, but these helpful tips will bring out the Gisele in everyone.
Break In The Bottoms
ANTM’s Miss J Alexander told
Glamour, “ Scratch
the bottom of your soles with sandpaper.” While it may seem
sacrilegious to scuff up a pair of shoes you’ve barely worn, it’ll give
you extra traction. And that’s always a good thing.
Don't Be Afraid To Sit
There’s no shame in taking a seat every now and then. As Miss J
added, “Whenever and wherever you can, sit, sit, sit!” It’ll give your
feet a chance to rest and allow you to walk more comfortably. Plus, if
you sit in a cute way (legs crossed and stretched from the waist),
you’ll be able to show off your gorgeous shoes.
Be Conscious of Your Body
Walking gracefully in high heels is a head-to-toe experience.
Relax your hips and knees, engage your abs, keep your shoulders back,
and hold your head high. It might seem impossible at first, but you’ll
eventually find your rhythm.
Take Small Steps
Be careful not to overextend yourself with long, quick strides.
Wearing heels naturally makes your stride shorter, so you’ll need to
take more steps than usual
Heel First, Then Toe
When walking, step with your heel first and your toes last. It looks the best and actually gives you more balance.
The exceptions to this rule (there are always exceptions!) are when
you’re walking down stairs (heel and toe together) or up stairs (all of
your weight on your toe). And no matter how ready you are for the Paris
runways, it’s still a good idea to hold onto the railing.
Test Out a Variety of Surfaces
It would be great if the entire world were carpeted, but...it’s
not. That’s why you need to leave the plush confines of your bedroom
and explore a variety of different surfaces. Try walking on hardwood,
tiles, concrete, grass—basically any surface you can get your feet on.
A really great place to practice is the supermarket. Sure, the floor
is incredibly slippery and you have an audience, but you have a grocery
cart to stabilize you as you glide up and down the aisles.
Practice, Practice, Practice
The only way you’re going to master the art of the high heel is
to practice, practice, practice. Wear them around your home whenever
possible and don’t be afraid to venture out in public once in a while.
Getting out of the house in your heels makes you extra aware of your
posture, stride and technique, and it never hurts to take notes on how
other women are walking.
Accidents Happen!
Even Naomi Campbell couldn’t help but smile when she bailed in
the middle of a Vivienne Westwood show in 1993. So if you take a tumble,
you’re not doomed to a life in flats. Just get up, laugh it off, and
keep on strutting. You’ve earned it!
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